WHO: An Educational Institute for Faculty and Pre-Service Teachers in Service-Learning Curriculum Development
WHAT: As a member school of the Illinois Campus Compact, your registration cost is covered by a grant.
WHERE: The University Center, 525 S. State St. (second floor conference room) Chicago, Illinois.
WHEN: Training takes place 9 AM to 4 PM on Thursday, June, 9. Deadline for registration is Friday, May 20th at www.illinoiscampuscompact.org
WHY: This Educational Institute will provide the tools to: Integrate service-learning into the curriculum and teacher preparation programs; Work with Faculty Fellow Mentors to guide participants in building their teacher educational models; Help develop service-learning programs for K-16 disadvantaged youth, youth at risk and diverse populations of youth; Utilize opportunities for program reflection.
HOW: A collaborative project with the Illinois Campus Compact and the Illinois State Board of Education
This training team will share ways in which service learning and community service partnerships, community based research, and community economic development are integrated into the mission K-12 school systems. They will also facilitate a session on curriculum development, with a focus on reflection and authentic learning in the context of community engagement and the civic purposes of education.